
Some Template styles (e.g Artbook Next) allow generated artwork to be overlaid with a ’translation'.

translated rom example
  "Pokemon Trading Card Game 2*": "Pokemon Trading Card Game 2"
  "Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children*": "Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children"
  "Shin Megami Tensei II*": "Shin Megami Tensei II"
  "Shin Megami Tensei*": "Shin Megami Tensei"
  "Super Famicom Wars*": "Super Famicom Wars"

Adding Translations

To add or amend a translation you can add or change an entry in this file. The ‘keys’ refer to the name of the rom. You can use an asterisk * as a wildcard at the end of a romname to match multiple roms.

Roms are matched in order from to bottom of this file and the first match will be used so list more specific entries first e.g

  "Wai Wai World 2*": "Wai Wai World 2 - SOS!! Parsley Castle"
  "Wai Wai World*": "Wai Wai World"

Removing Translations

To file comes pre-populated with some translations. If you dont want to see these translations in your generated artwork just delete the contents of this file (not the file itself)