
Certain rom types are typically named in shorthand style (e.g. Arcade/Mame and NeoGeo).

  • muOS uses a name.json file to convert these into human-readable names and adjust the sort order. The default name.json file contains most roms, but some of your roms might be missing.

    If any of your roms are missing from this file then the title won’t be displayed properly and for certain artwork styles the artwork will be ‘out of order’ which will look broken in the end result. This file allows you to add additional roms to the list to fix these issues.

    The roms you add to this file are combined/added to the defaults and a new “name.json” file is created during generation which can be copied onto the device along with generated artwork.

      "puyopuya": "Puyo Puyo",
      "punksht2": "Punk Shot",
      "commandu": "Commando"

    By default name_extra.json is empty, and if you don’t provide any additional entries then a name.json file won’t be generated