
Folder Structure

In MUOS You can name your rom folders by anything you like, a common structure is for example

      • Adventure (USA).zip
      • Asteroids (Japan, USA).zip
      • Atlantis (USA).zip
      • Adventures of Star Saver, The (USA, Europe).zip
      • Aerostar (USA, Europe).zip
      • Amazing Penguin (USA, Europe).zip
      • Advance Wars (USA) (Rev 1).zip
      • Aliens - Thanatos Encounter (USA, Europe).zip
      • Arena (USA, Europe).zip
      • Advanced Busterhawk Gleylancer (Japan) (Translated).zip
      • Action Fighter (USA, Europe, Brazil) (Rev 1).zip
      • 1943 Kai (Japan).zip
      • Ai Chou Aniki (Japan) (SADS).chd
  • This folder structure needs to be represented in the file ‘./user_config/config_folder.yml’, with each folder being mapped to a platform (matching the type of roms the folder contains). This file is generated automatically during the bootstrap process, but some folder names may be unable to be matched, in which case you will need to amend the file manually.

    e.g. the above folder structure would be configured like this:

    ARCADE: arcade
    ATARI: atari2600
    FC: nes
    GB: gb
    GBA: gba
    GG: gamegear
    MD: megadrive
    MS: mastersystem
    NEOGEO: neogeo
    PCE: pcengine
    PCECD: pcenginecd
    ‘Ports’ folder (for portmaster) is mapped internally to ‘ps5’ this is correct so no need to amend it